Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mission Statement


Rica Martin


We've all heard of and have been encouraged to write down our goals, but what about writing a Mission Statement?  Anyone who has achieved any form of success has taken the time to write out a Mission Statement.  A Mission Statement is a summary describing the aims, values, and overall plan of an organization or individual.


Yes, you will gain a higher percentage of success by writing down exactly what you are trying to accomplish.  A Mission Statement will help to give your goals direction.  It answers the "why" when setting certain goals.  [i.e. My Mission is to provide food and shelter to the needy across America is “why” I want a million dollars].


Notice the definition is not limited to an organization or business, but also includes individuals as well.  It's not a bad idea to be business minded when planning your life and finances.  Single people can call their business ME, Inc., and how about WE, Inc. for married couples.  What will it take to make your business and finances grow?


Be firm but flexible!  Successful people/businesses realize that in order to have continued success, they must make adjustments.  They understand the importance of shifting with the times.  If you look carefully you'll notice that most of the people/companies that have stood the test of time will come out with something new and improved (shift), but will keep the foundational concept and principles that helped to build their success. 


Please don't take your mission lightly.  Take the time necessary to detail the plan for your life and finances.  Build a firm foundation strong enough to hold your goals.  If you want to play professional sports, you can't just sign up.  If you want to be a minister, you can't just skim the Bible.  If you want to build an Ark, you can't buy cheap wood and build it over night…ask Noah.  


Aim high!  Consistently evaluate your mission.  You may find that when you change, your mission may change.  Be careful not to confine yourself to a box.  Step out of the box, pop the bubble and declare your success!


"In order to have what you've never had before, you must do what you've never done before!" [author unknown]


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