Friday, September 21, 2012


            by Rica Martin


You ever notice that things generally get worse before they get better?  Why is that you ask?  It's simple…because there's a struggle going on.


Struggle: to contend with an adversary or opposing force; a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve.


Often the mere thought of change -or- something new creates tension on what is considered the norm in our life.  The normal begins to resist the new.  The normal is comfortable the way it is!  It doesn't want anything new to come in changing things.  This is true, especially if the new thing isn't going to give the normal thing the freedom to conduct business as usual.


Ever noticed that it's only a struggle when the change is for our good?  Picking up a "bad habit" never seems to be a problem.  As a matter of fact, bad habits seem to flow right in with no opposition.  It doesn't take long to develop.  It often goes unnoticed until there is a need for change.


This is because GOOD OVER-POWERS BAD!  Bad has a way of finding an empty place and slips in quietly; while Good, on the other hand, is invited in and overtakes a place!


When you strive to change for the better, the good habits will replace the bad habits that have secretly set up shop in your heart and mind.  Those bad habits aren't going to just give up without a fight…  The struggle begins. 


Think of the butterfly.  Before it becomes a beautiful piece of art, it is a caterpillar.  It goes into its cocoon and struggles with change.  In time, it breaks the shell.  This good thing emerges and successfully flies off into areas that it never could've gone while it was only a worm.


It will take effort to accomplish or achieve change.  You will have to contend with the adversary, because anything worth having is worth fighting for! 


Expect the struggle…Enjoy the success!!



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