Monday, September 3, 2012

Next Level Thinking


            by Rica Martin


Are you focused on getting to the Next Level?  Have you ever said, "I'm going to the next level" -or- "I'm almost to the next level…I can feel it!" 


Do you know what level you are on right now?  Has it ever occurred to you that you may already be on the "next level"?  Take a look around you.  Is there anything different about you?  Different job?  Different look?  Different attitude?  Different circle of friends?  Different mindset?  Must I go on? 


You're struggling with yourself aren't you?  This could very well be because you are doing the same old thing the problem is~you are in a different place in your life.  If there is anything different about you, your lifestyle, and/or you're surroundings…chances are you are YOU ARE ON THE NEXT LEVEL!! 


You're struggling because you haven't made any adjustments.  Take a moment to evaluate just how far into the "next level" you are.  See how long you've been doing things differently.  Take the time to re-prioritize areas of your life based on your new position.  This is one of the most important things that you need to do [more than likely you didn't do this before-which is why you didn't realize that you've transitioned to another peak in your life].  It's time to move, just make sure it's forward and not backwards.


Levels don't have to be huge leaps or high hurdles.  They are often gradual steps that lead you to, through, or out of trials, storms and/or adversities.  Knowing where you are helps to keep you from falling short or off track.  Take quarterly assessments of yourself so that you are aware of where you are.   


Don't be fooled!  There is an attack on your progress!  Believe it or not, everyone is not supportive of your advancement towards a higher goal.  Don't allow anyone, anything or even yourself trick you into believing that you are stuck in a rut!  You are much further ahead than you think and you are also closer to achieving your goals than you think.  Believe in yourself and the gifts that are within you.


Are you in the beginning of a new level?  Are you in the middle?  Are you approaching the end of this present level and embarking on the next or new adventure of your life?  Are you prepared to complete the task?  Phil 1:6 assures you can!


Stop struggling with yourself.  Find out where you are right now, think positive, and make the adjustments towards moving forward into the next realm of your life.

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