Thursday, October 11, 2012

Modern Day Bible


Rica Martin


Take a moment of reflection.  Go as far back as you can remember.  How has your past shaped your thinking?  Is where you are now a positive or a negative result of your past?


Now think about the people in the Bible.  There are countless examples for living locked into the Old and New Testament books.  Is there a person or a story in there that mimic what you've been through or are going through right now?  How did their story end: blessing or ruin; sickness or health; salvation or damnation?


What if a new Bible was written once this life is over?  Imagine if God chose to use your life as an example in one of His books.  What would be the message to His new creation?  Would it be a message of hope?  Perhaps it would be a message of obedience or disobedience?  Would you mirror a hero or a coward?  Maybe you were only part of the crowd and your individual story isn't worth mentioning?


In other words, how has your life affected others?  What's your legacy?  Have you been a negative or a positive influence to the people you've encountered over the years?  Are you a modern day Adam, who was placed in perfection, but lost it all because you chose not to be accountable for what was under your control?  [Genesis 3:12]  Are you today's Sarah, who feels like you have to help God accomplish His promise to you?  [Genesis 21:16:2]  Are you one of the 22,000 that was afraid to go to battle with Gideon against the Midianites; or one of the 300 that stayed? [Judges 7:3-7]  Maybe you are an over-comer like Joseph or after God's own heart like David.  Are you the Judas-type whose mission is to get people to their cross?


Now take a moment of reflection again.  From as far back as you can remember, to as far ahead as you can see…what story will your life tell?  Whose life will yours touch?


If you see that you are not living a life that is pleasing to God, it's not too late…START TODAY!  Remember Paul?  Initially he tortured Christians, but was converted and went on to write over half of the New Testament!


You are the 67th book of the Bible right now, because you may be the only Bible that some people will ever read.  Be careful not to be a stumbling block to those who are reading you.  Understand that your life is not your own.  Strive to be an example of excellence!  Determine to be a message of integrity!  Let your life tell a good story that will encourage, enlighten, educate and edify all those who read it.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Adam & Eve...Husband & Wife

Adam & Eve…Husband & Wife

Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 gives us a clear picture of how life (as we know it) began.  We are all familiar with the story (Chapter 1): God made everything within 6 days and rested on the 7th.  Then Chapter 2 goes into detail on how God made man from the dust of the earth in (Gen 2:7) and gave him (Adam) charge/authority/dominion over everything on earth created before him.  When God saw that it wasn't good for man to be alone He pulled woman (Eve) from his side, to help Adam dress & keep the land.  They were to enjoy life on earth together.  The last two verses of Chapter 2 (24 & 25) tells man to leave his mother & father and cleave unto his wife becoming one [flesh] and that man and wife were naked and not ashamed.

This is more than just a story nor is it merely just an 'excellent read'.  This is Life as Man and Wife as God has intended.  The fall is no excuse to start living by our own rules just because we've experienced disappointments in life and/or marriage.  God gave Adam charge/authority/dominion over everything and God brought Eve (the best of him) out of Adam to help.

Up until a few generations ago, it was custom for men and women to apply the Adam & Eve (Biblical) Principals to their lives/marriages no matter what and was deemed disrespectful not to.  In today's society we are most often taught and/or sold on the concept that it is acceptable to reverse the roles of Adam and Eve.  In order to begin to have a healthy marriage, we must get back to the basics…

Men -women need to feel a sense of security from her husband; remember everything was already taken care of before she existed.  She (your wife) needs to know that you will handle the things that you are given charge over.  This [charge] may vary from household to household, so it is important that you find out what makes your wife feel secure in your relationship (you won't regret it).  Remember she is a part of you; you named her (vs. 23) and you need her to help meet your needs.

Women -'All You Women Whose Independent' throwing your hands up at Beyonce/Destiny's Child -be careful…they may not be talking to you.  Men need to feel respected as the High Priest and final [earthly] authority; remember that was his first charge in life.  We can not continue to carry his torch (whether we picked it up or he gave it to us), give it back.  Be 'independent' when you are doing it by yourself; but be humble and submissive and aggressive and authoritative in the areas that your husband needs you to be (stay off his toes--it hurts).  Remember we were created to help meet his needs.

Final thought:  When the Bible says for man to leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife…it meant to leave the folks that you are closest to and become closest to your spouse.  In those times, your mom and dad where normally who you were closest to; today this includes biological children, step children, aunts, uncles, cousins, best friends, etc.   No one but God comes before your spouse.  God is not pleased with us when we put others before our spouse (no matter how we justify it).  How much time have you lost and how much do you have left when the kids leave and your friends and family move away.  Why spend what's left of your marriage playing catch up; peanut butter goes down better when its spread evenly…such is life/marriage.  Be naked (open/exposed) with your spouse throughout your marriage and at the end of your journey together you will not be ashamed.
