Friday, September 21, 2012


            by Rica Martin


You ever notice that things generally get worse before they get better?  Why is that you ask?  It's simple…because there's a struggle going on.


Struggle: to contend with an adversary or opposing force; a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve.


Often the mere thought of change -or- something new creates tension on what is considered the norm in our life.  The normal begins to resist the new.  The normal is comfortable the way it is!  It doesn't want anything new to come in changing things.  This is true, especially if the new thing isn't going to give the normal thing the freedom to conduct business as usual.


Ever noticed that it's only a struggle when the change is for our good?  Picking up a "bad habit" never seems to be a problem.  As a matter of fact, bad habits seem to flow right in with no opposition.  It doesn't take long to develop.  It often goes unnoticed until there is a need for change.


This is because GOOD OVER-POWERS BAD!  Bad has a way of finding an empty place and slips in quietly; while Good, on the other hand, is invited in and overtakes a place!


When you strive to change for the better, the good habits will replace the bad habits that have secretly set up shop in your heart and mind.  Those bad habits aren't going to just give up without a fight…  The struggle begins. 


Think of the butterfly.  Before it becomes a beautiful piece of art, it is a caterpillar.  It goes into its cocoon and struggles with change.  In time, it breaks the shell.  This good thing emerges and successfully flies off into areas that it never could've gone while it was only a worm.


It will take effort to accomplish or achieve change.  You will have to contend with the adversary, because anything worth having is worth fighting for! 


Expect the struggle…Enjoy the success!!



Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Self Evaluation


STOP!  Take a good look at where you are right now…are you where you want to be?  Better yet are you where you are destined to be?  Do you like where you are?  Now that you are thinking about it…are you wondering how you got here??


At a Women's Conference, Creflo Dollar made this statement that has forever changed my life: Your Thinking Determines Your Destiny.  Duh…I knew that!  So why was I in the rut that I was in at that time?  At that moment, I began to evaluate my life. 


My Thoughts determines my Words.  My Words determines my Actions.  My Actions determines my Habits.  My Habits determines my Character.  My Character determines my Destiny. 


We've discussed the fact that our behavior/emotions determine what pops into our heads (October 2006 P.A.I.D.D.); so let's start here with our thinking.  Generally, if I think about something long enough it is safe to say that I will begin to say/speak those things (words).  The more I say/speak something; I will begin to act/behave that way (actions).  My actions will cause me to do certain things (habits).  And what I do usually tells who I am or what I'm about (character).  Who I am or what I'm about is a good indicator of why I am where I am (destiny).  Selah


If I watch the movie Superman and think that it would be cool to fly and begin to tell people that I'm gonna fly and run out and buy a cape and start jumping off steps or cliffs then I will go crazy and I will end up in either a hospital (psych-ward) or dead.  A little dramatic…but you get my point.


I DON'T LIKE WHERE I AM--how can I change my destiny?  If you don't like where you are then you need to evaluate how you got there.  Seems simple right?  It could be if you are completely honest with yourself.  Change is the result of a process…it takes time and real effort.  [In the same token, sometimes we are just where God has intended for us to be; but for the sake of this text we are only focusing on what we have the control and ability to change].


In most cases, a destiny change isn't as simple as merely going in a different direction.  Picking up where you left off and/or switching courses doesn't address any issues…you'll just carry your baggage through that trip too.  You'll need to get to the root of where it all went wrong. 


How can I get to the root of my problem when there's nothing wrong with me?  This can be a hard concept to grasp if I am not open to the fact that I am not perfect; or if those sores are too painful to pick.  I can't find the root of a tree without first breaking the surface.  I'd have to start with where I am, then dig deep.  If I take my Destiny backwards and clean up my Character by changing my Habits and Acting differently since my Words are better because of righteous and positive Thinking--then I'll end up in a better starting place.  Selah


What disappointment(s) triggered my negativity?  What lack or desires caused my frivolous spending?  What comment initiated my insecurities?  Where did my trust-issues begin?  Am I overcompensating for my lack?  Am I not giving myself enough credit?  Besides me, what is the common factor in my failed relationships?  How do I handle my emotions?  Do I think highly of myself?  What have I given to God?  What have I taken back?  Again I say…Selah


Self evaluation is essential in staying on track to fulfilling our destiny.  I said SELF evaluation--meaning to evaluate my status with what God has purposed for me-- not comparing myself with someone else.  We aren't perfect so there is always room for improvement (no matter how old or successful we become).  Our flaws are there to keep us humble.


Begin by writing things down…quirks, flaws, ambitions, goals, finances, prayers.  Writing down your thoughts brings them to life.  It becomes a blue print to the destiny that you are building.  It is available for review.  It keeps you on track, and it shows progress.  When you write down your thoughts and reread them…you create a clear and realistic view of your destiny.  Statistically, averages of about 90% of the people who write down their goals accomplish them.  [Habakkuk 2:2]


Seek God for your starting place.  Ask Him to take you to that place where you detoured or became stagnant.  Without true deliverance from this dry place, you will never achieve the fulfillment of who God is calling you to be. 


Rica Martin 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Rica Martin


Forgiveness is like an old scar.  When you look at the scar--you can remember the circumstances surrounding the wound.  You can remember how, when, and where it happened.  You can remember the pain associated with it.  However, when you look at the old scar, remember the old scar, and even when you touch the old scar- it doesn't hurt anymore.  The same principle applies to forgiveness.


You can also look at the scars that you wouldn't allow to heal properly.  Those scars are normally ugly and took longer to heal.   Nevertheless when you see, touch, and even talk about the scar- it doesn't hurt anymore.  It's not tender.  It's not sore.  It's HEALED -it took some time- but it's HEALED!


There are also internal wounds?  Internal wounds are heart issues that will cause mental, emotional and/or Spiritual damage.  These are often hidden scars that are buried under a false sense of forgiveness.  They can spread through your body like cancer.  If undetected, internal wounds will eat away at your very being. 


You'll know if you've truly forgiven by gauging the pain of the wound.  If you exhibit the same range of emotion when confronted with people/circumstances of the past…chances are, you haven't forgiven.  If its still a "sore subject" to talk about…chances are, you haven't forgiven.  Like an old scar TRUE FORGIVENESS doesn't hurt anymore!!!


The rule has been to FORGIVE and FORGET.  I beg to differ.  That's like saying, "HEAL and HAVE NO REFERENCE POINTS!"  How can I forget when the scar reminds me that something happened?  Maybe it's there to warn me not to do that-thing again, or possibly to remind me of where I was at the time. 


I say FORGIVE and REMEMBER!  It's ok to have a reference point.  Forgiveness let's you know how far God has brought you from the pain.  Remember: by HIS Stripes [scars] we are healed!  [1Peter 2:24]  Go on in forgiveness…


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Others Think, Say and Write about Delrica

Below: VISIONS Feature Article (Nov., 2012 Issue)


Rica Martin


Ever been in the "right place" at the "right time" and received certain benefits associated with that "place".  You even found that there were additional unexpected perks that you've enjoyed just by being there.  I've heard people say, "I'm in a good place in my life right now".  This usually means they are in a peaceful place, a secure place, a solid financial place, or an emotionally/spiritually sound place.  The key is the provision that is connected to that place.


This was Abraham's experience.  God told Abraham to leave his land and promised that it would be worth his while to do so [Gen 12:1-8].  God promised to bless Abraham and all those who bless him, and to curse those who cursed him. God revealed early in the conversation [vs2] that HE wasn't sending Abram on a wild-goose chase.  Abraham went to that place and prospered so much that there wasn't enough room for him and his nephew to continue living together [Gen 13:6].  Abraham was in the "right place" at the "right time"!  He made some mistakes along the way, but he was obedient in getting to the place of provision.


Another occasion of provision was when God told Abraham to offer up his [promised] son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.  God was specific as to which mountain Abraham was to go to. [Gen 22:2].  Abraham didn't just go and sit at the top of the mountain; he proceeded to sacrifice what he loved as God had commanded.  In Abraham's obedience, God provided a Ram in the Bush to sacrifice instead of Isaac.


If Abraham hadn't gone to the land that God called him to, he wouldn't have enjoyed the overflow he and Lot experienced.  If Abraham would have gone to another mountain -or- waited another day, there may not have been a bush -or- a ram there.  In other words, the provision was associated with being in the "right place at the right time".  God gave Abraham the order, the place and the promise; once Abraham got there, God gave the provision.  The circumstances mentioned were not easy tasks to carry out, so faith and submission had to accompany Abraham's obedience.  Faith, submission and obedience come by following God, even when you don't understand or agree with the command.


Are you in the right place?  Is this the right time?  Has your faith, submission, and obedience allowed you the opportunity to experience Jehovahjireh in your life? [Gen 22:14]  


For those who think…

I'm too old- Abram was 75yrs old before God called him [Gen 12:4]


I've made too many mistakes- Abram lied about his wife being his sister to save his own life. God didn't tell Abraham to take his nephew Lot with him.  Not to mention, he tried to "help" God fulfill the promise of a son.


I'm afraid- Turn your fear into faith and God will make a way [Gen 22:8]


That happened back then- God is no respecter of persons [Act 10:34], HE did it then for Abraham, HE'll do it today for us and HE'll do it tomorrow for generations to come.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Live Life

Life has it's way of showing itself to be real--whether or not

  • we like it...
  • we agree with it...
  • we expect it...
  • we're prepared for it...

Learn to live life with purpose-on purpose!  Stop worrying about things that's out of your control.  Focus on the things that you are passionate about, because passion is the vehicle that will drive you.  It will be the Cruise Control to keep the momentum when you take your foot off the gas [feel like giving up/less motivated].


Remember: God knows what happened at the beginning and He knows what happens at the end; thus, He is full aware of all that happens in between!!  Before He formed you, He knew you.  Find comfort in knowing that each day you awake was created with you in mind.  He has something for you to do!  Be productive... 


Everything that you are capable of doing to fulfill your intended purpose is already in you!  Stop being shallow!  Dig deep inside of you and pull out those dynamic things that will catapult you into your destiny!  Determine not to 'dummy-down' just to 'get by'.  Work your 'purpose' muscle.  Work you 'ability' muscle.  Work your 'talent' muscle.  Work your 'passion' muscle.  If you don't know what those things in you are, ask the One who put it in you.  Trust me " good thing will He withhold from His people who walk uprightly.  ...blessed is the man/woman who trust in Him"Ps 84:11-12 


Ask yourself, "Am I being a Blessing -or- a Burden?"  "Am I Mighty -or- Miserable?"  "Am I going somewhere -or- am I standing still?"   I heard it said that "...anything that is stagnant stinks"!  Is your scent a sweet savor in His nostril?  It's time to move!  Move out of the state of being that causes you not to like, agree with, expect or be prepared for...LIFE.


Know who you are--know whose you are!  Learn to live life with purpose-on purpose.


Humbly submitted,

December 10, 2008

Next Level Thinking


            by Rica Martin


Are you focused on getting to the Next Level?  Have you ever said, "I'm going to the next level" -or- "I'm almost to the next level…I can feel it!" 


Do you know what level you are on right now?  Has it ever occurred to you that you may already be on the "next level"?  Take a look around you.  Is there anything different about you?  Different job?  Different look?  Different attitude?  Different circle of friends?  Different mindset?  Must I go on? 


You're struggling with yourself aren't you?  This could very well be because you are doing the same old thing the problem is~you are in a different place in your life.  If there is anything different about you, your lifestyle, and/or you're surroundings…chances are you are YOU ARE ON THE NEXT LEVEL!! 


You're struggling because you haven't made any adjustments.  Take a moment to evaluate just how far into the "next level" you are.  See how long you've been doing things differently.  Take the time to re-prioritize areas of your life based on your new position.  This is one of the most important things that you need to do [more than likely you didn't do this before-which is why you didn't realize that you've transitioned to another peak in your life].  It's time to move, just make sure it's forward and not backwards.


Levels don't have to be huge leaps or high hurdles.  They are often gradual steps that lead you to, through, or out of trials, storms and/or adversities.  Knowing where you are helps to keep you from falling short or off track.  Take quarterly assessments of yourself so that you are aware of where you are.   


Don't be fooled!  There is an attack on your progress!  Believe it or not, everyone is not supportive of your advancement towards a higher goal.  Don't allow anyone, anything or even yourself trick you into believing that you are stuck in a rut!  You are much further ahead than you think and you are also closer to achieving your goals than you think.  Believe in yourself and the gifts that are within you.


Are you in the beginning of a new level?  Are you in the middle?  Are you approaching the end of this present level and embarking on the next or new adventure of your life?  Are you prepared to complete the task?  Phil 1:6 assures you can!


Stop struggling with yourself.  Find out where you are right now, think positive, and make the adjustments towards moving forward into the next realm of your life.

WELCOME to Delrica's Blog

WELCOME to Delrica's Blog (and yours also) where you get to share (give and receive) life-changing information.  The seeds you plant today will become the harvest you reap tomorrow.  Please stay connected as this blog becomes better and better, because of the stories, the ideas, and the passion that YOU bring.

  • Don't wait for things to "get back to normal" CREATE A NEW NORMAL! New Norm...New You!!
  • NO isn't a Stop Sign, it's a Yield. Proceed with caution while in route to finding your YES!!
  • Surround yourself with people who see something in you... People who believe in you... People who are secure enough in themselves to encourage you to do better!! And if you can't find those people, be patient, God will SEND them to you!!
  • “Keep moving forward...”

And please share this blog with relatives, friends, and associates; so that we might all rise together.